Sunday, April 6, 2008

O's win 4 in a row, etc

Congratulations to my Baby Birds! I know we haven't even played a week yet but my Orioles are 4-1 and sitting atop the AL East. I know it won't last so I've got to enjoy it while I can. Dave Trembley has them playing together as a team and really hustling. After what we went last year, it's nice to see.

Things didn't go as well for Jr at Texas today. He had the pole and I thought a pretty fast race car but he complained of being loose all day and Tony Jr just couldn't get the car handling right. Congratulations to Carl Edwards...better him than jerkwad jimmie.

I need to finish up my last 8" square. Once that's done, I think I'll start on my son's Spiderman round ripple. He's been very patient while I worked on squares so now it's his turn.

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