Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mike's surgery, my diet, etc

Mike had his surgery today and everything seemed to go well. The doctor said he removed 2 large bone spurs and cleaned out a lot of arthritis and inflammation. He's hoping that will reduce Mike's pain and give him a better range of motion. My diet has been kinda on again/off again here lately. I'm getting to where I really have to force myself to write in my food log.

It's getting to be a pain and I'm starting to come up with reasons not to do it. I've decided to take more of a weight watchers approach. I'm going to shoot for 1500 calories a day, I'm giving myself 1500 anytime calories (I can use these throughout the week as needed) and then for every 2000 steps I walk I get 100 activity calories.

Does that make sense? It's actually going to create a little more bookkeeping work for me but we'll see how it goes. I'm trying to eat more fruits and vegetables because they are "free". At the weight management class I took last year, the dietician told us she'd never heard of anyone getting fat off fruits and vegetables so we could eat all of those we wanted.

My Baby Birds continue to surprise and the Redskins had an interesting draft. I was proud of them for not trading away a single draft pick. We don't need Chad Johnson! I'm still working on William's Spiderman round ripple. I also started a Seraphina shawl a couple of weeks ago.

I'm using random yarn from my stash and am just making sure I'm comfortable with and understand the pattern. Then I'm going to go to my LYS and buy some yummy yarn to make a really nice seraphina with. We also drew for our little secret pals last Sunday. I was excited to draw the name of a precious 4-yr old little girl.

I've already found a pattern of a crochet doll to make for her. I want to make a small seraphina shawl for the doll and a matching one for the little girl. This will have to be part of the last gift because it will take me awhile with my schedule to get these done. I've finished my coffee and need to get up and do some housework since I'm home today.

My parents will be here before I know it and the house is still a wreck. Did I mention I won a Jimbo hook? It is beautiful and so smooth. I love it!!

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