Saturday, April 5, 2008

My first blog a tribute to Mrs. Hazel

Well, I always intended to do this so here's my chance. I guess I'll use this blog to publish any thoughts I have that I think are worth writing about. I think my first blog will be a tribute to Mrs. Hazel. She was a very sweet lady that I went to church with that died this past Thursday after suffering from her second stroke. She loved my son just like he was her own grandson. She brought him candy and ceramic pieces she had made. She was one of these cute little ladies that everyone loved and I want to be like her when I get old. She was strong and independent and always thinking of others. It's hard to believe she's gone. She was one of those people that you just never think will die. She recovered well from her first stroke and even though you could tell she a little more feeble, I thought she seemed back to her old self. It's a sad weekend for those she left behind but I know without a doubt that she is safe and happy, resting in Abraham's bosom. RIP Mrs. Hazel. You are loved and will be missed.

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