Friday, December 26, 2008

The day after Christmas

Well, all in all Christmas went pretty smooth.  Everybody got along and there were no fights (only one of the usual main instigators was there).  The worst thing that happened was Mike dropping William's new tv and busting the plasma screen.  He's out now taking it back to Best Buy to get another one.

I think everyone was happy with their gifts.  I got a spinning wheel from my parents and a woolee winder from Mike.  I love them both and only wish for time to spin.  I am determined to get some time in with my wheel (Miss Lilly Ann) today.

Ugh!  My laptop is giving me fits.  I need to take it in for a good cleaning and get some memory added.  I don't know why the thing runs so slow except that it is old in computer years.

Mike just called and he's on his way home with a Sony tv for William.  He's going to get it set up and hook up the gamecube then go get William.

I got a little device from my parents that monitors not just your steps but your activity.  It's pretty cool. It calculates your activity level, the calories you've burned and for how long you have been active.  This is a good weight loss device and I definitely need to lose weight.  My dad said he'd pay for a membership to weight watchers but I think I may check out some other weight loss sites and see if there is something out there that I might could join that would make use of this new little device I have.  I was a member at ishape for awhile and they have a good program.  There's also ediet which is supposed to be good.

The Redskins finish up their season this Sunday.  It's hard to believe football season has come and gone.  The Redskins started out so promising and I guess all things considered are fortunate to be assured of at least a .500 season.  I hope they bring back Jim Zorn for another season.  It just wouldn't be fair to fire him after just one season.  He needs to have the benefit of a full offseason and to be allowed to show what he has learned from this past season and how he can move forward and build on it.  I'm undecided on Jason Campbell.  I think he deserves another year and then if there's no definite improvement...well let's see what CB5 can do.  (I'm also aware he will be a free agent after this next year.  That's a tricky one and I'm glad it's Vinny and not me making those decisions.)

I think it's time for me to do some spinning.  I need to practice spinning from the fold and my short forward draw.

I tried to crochet with the yarn I had navajo plied and it's some pretty rough yarn.  I was going to make Mike a hat but I don't have enough yarn and I also messed up somewhere and the hat was way too small even for my head.  I frogged the whole thing and re-wrapped it into a center pull ball.  Maybe I'll navajo ply what I'm working on now and then have enough for a hat.

Wow...I just read back through this and what a random stream of consciousness.  Oh well, blogs are what you want them to be...right?

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