Saturday, August 16, 2008

One week in

We're one week into the new school year and DS's assessment is "Fifth grade rocks". He has done his homework without a fuss everyday this week and has been getting his work done at school as well. I don't know how long this will last but so far so good.

I'm sitting here blogging instead of crocheting or cleaning and I desperately need to be doing both. I am down to an arm and a half and the bonnet on my doll but then I have the rr to go. It would be very good to finish the weekend with a completed doll. I don't think the rr will take me long at all since it only has to be big enough to fit the doll.

My ww isn't going as well as I'd like. I gained a lb last week even though I thought I did pretty well. Oh well, a new week begins today so I'll just keep on keeping on as the saying goes.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mike's first painting

Originally uploaded by PogoJr
Take a look at Mike's first painting. Didn't he do a great job? I always knew he had the talent. He did this following along with a Bob Ross DVD but he did some things different to make the picture his own. I am amazed. I could never in a million years do this and this is what he got with his first attempt.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Weight Watchers

Well, I signed up for ww again today. I'm going to do a few days eating as I normally do just to see how many points I eat a day. I don't know when I'll start for real, maybe next weekend.

The Crochetville 2008 Crochet games are underway and I have been having the worst luck getting started. I think I now have everything and am ready to get going. Maybe I can get a lot done during the Skins game tonight (yeah, right!).

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Congratulations to Art and Darrell, my new tote bag, etc.


Well today is the big day for Darrell Green and Art Monk. They will be inducted into the NFL HOF and for Art it's about time. I would say I'm excited about watching the induction ceremony but DH has decided we're going shopping and out to eat for my birthday tonight. I'm sure will have video of their speeches which is all I'm really interested in anyway.

Oh, and did you know the Skins play their first preseason game tomorrow night? I can't wait even though there are going to be very few starters playing. I'm just excited to see my boys in burgundy and gold back on the field and playing some football. Go Skins!!!


DH called me earlier as he was leaving to go haul hay to tell me we had a package in th
e mailbox. I was hoping it might be from a C'ville elf and took off out the door in my scrubs and flip flops in 90 something degree weather. It was a trip worth making (we have a looong driveway) because the package was indeed from a C'ville elf. Inside was a beautiful handmade tote bag! It was done in a variegated yarn the incorporated some of my favorite colors. To my eyes anyway the burgundy and gold really stands out. Isn't it beautiful?